Table Generator for defined tables

  • Comments posted to this topic are about the item Table Generator for defined tables

  • I think the system generated would do fine for me.....but informative though ...

    and I was wondering why not use the keyword QUOTENAME to get the table name in square brackets '[ ]'

  • thanks... but there is one issue though...

    1. create some user defined types in your database say UdtIntEntity

    2. when you execute this query, you will get one row for each type viz. Int, UdtIntEntity for the SAME table column.

  • ziangij (5/19/2010)

    thanks... but there is one issue though...

    1. create some user defined types in your database say UdtIntEntity

    2. when you execute this query, you will get one row for each type viz. Int, UdtIntEntity for the SAME table column.

    try this code...

    EXEC dbo.sp_addtype N'UdtIntEntity ', N'int',N'not null'

    EXEC dbo.sp_addtype N'udtDesc', N'varchar(500)',N'not null'

    EXEC dbo.sp_addtype N'udtName', N'varchar(500)',N'not null'

    CREATE TABLE [dbo].[abc](

    [col1] INT IDENTITY(1,1) NOT NULL

    ,[col2] VARCHAR(15) NOT NULL

    ,[col3] VARCHAR(500) NOT NULL



    [col1] ASC



    then run your code for table abc...

    the output will be something like this...

    if not exists(select * from sysobjects where id = object_id('abc')

    and objectproperty(ID, N'IsUserTable') = 1)


    Create Table


    [col1] int NOT NULL IDENTITY (1, 1)

    [col1] UdtIntEntity NOT NULL IDENTITY (1, 1)

    ,[col2] varchar(15) NOT NULL

    ,[col2] udtDesc NOT NULL

    ,[col2] udtName NOT NULL

    ,[col3] varchar(500) NOT NULL

    ,[col3] udtDesc NOT NULL

    ,[col3] udtName NOT NULL


  • Ryan,

    In your article I see 'And, the script currently does handle foreign keys. ' Was there supposed to be a does not in there - I don't see the logic for scripting Foreign Keys.

    Nice Work,


  • Correct. The script does not handle foreign keys. Thanks for catching that.

    Thank you,

    -Ryan Foote

  • Thanks for the script.

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