Create linked server to MS Access database

  • I am trying to Create a linked server to MS Access Databse that is in a different computer . SQL Server and MS Access Database are in the same network but different machines.

    How do I connect and refer the tables in MSAccess from my SQL server

  • Hi,

    You have not specified which SQL Server you are using... Anyways the method is same...

    Hope you can go till create new linked server...

    Now in the provider name select Microsoft.Jet.OLEDB.4.0 Provider (OLEDB is faster then ODBC AFAIK)

    Specify a linked server name you wish

    Datasource will the Path to mdb file Ex: "c:\test.mdb"

    Product Name will be "Access"

    Else you can try below T-SQL too

    exec sp_addlinkedserver @server='Access',




    exec sp_addlinkedsrvlogin @rmtsrvname='Access',




    Regarding login use Username Admin and NULL as password when you trying in GUI.

    Now to get the remote table run below T-SQl

    sp_tableex N'Access'

    For more explanation on T-SQL and Linked Servers, Refer to BOL...

    My Blog ->

  • I am trying to connect to MS Access 2003 from SQL server 2000.

    I followed this procedure

    Exec sp_addlinkedserver

    @server = N'VIMachine',

    @provider = N'Microsoft.Jet.OLEDB.4.0',

    @srvproduct = N'OLE DB Provider for Jet',

    @datasrc = N'\\AMPCSFDKW080\A.I.T Co., LTD\CMT-SR2000NWR 7.0\SamInfo.mdb'


    EXEC sp_addlinkedsrvlogin

    @rmtsrvname = N'VIMachine',

    @useself = N'false',

    @rmtuser = N'Admin',

    @rmtpassword = ''


    But when I try to see the table in Enterprise manager I am getting the error

    Error 7399: OLE DB Provider 'Microsoft.Jet.OLEDB.4.0' reported an Erroor


  • Your security on the linked server should use authentication which will allow authenticated account accessing the file share of Access DB.

    "Admin" is a default user of Access database, not a Windows login name that have access to the file share where Access DB is located.

  • You can check this by copying the mdb to local drive and use Admin as username and see whether your linked server is working...

    Thanks Glen for your inputs...

    My Blog ->

  • yes. You are right. I gave the username as the userid used to logon to the MS Access machine. Still getting the same error.

  • bindueldo,

    leave RMTUser name empty. If you are not using custom build security in Access, access user name should be omitted.

    If your SQL server account is running under domain account security context, try to use option "Be made current user security's context" and then verify that the folder where Access DB is located have this user's proper security rights.

  • Its giving the same error.

    Actually the Access database is residing under c:/ProgramFiles/A/B/C.mdb

    So I am giving the data sourse name as \\AMPCSFDKW080\A\BC.mdb . Is there anything wrong here?


  • Using your Windows Explorer from the server where SQL server is instaleld try to get to the folder you are specifying for the linked server.

    If "A" is a name of the share - then you should be able to do it. Otherwise you will receive an eror message in Windows Explorer as well.

  • Yes. I am able to access that folder from sql server. But the linked server connection to the mdb file gives the error

  • Are you logging in to your SQL server using SQL server authentication or windows authentication?

  • I am logging into SQL Server with SQL server authentication

  • If I create a DTS, I am able to conenct to this Access file on different server and able to see the Data tables.

    Why the linked server is not working?


  • Because DTS package is executed under Windows security and linked server under you SQL security..

    Can you replace this statement with the following:

    EXEC sp_addlinkedsrvlogin

    @rmtsrvname = N'VIMachine',

    @useself = N'false',

    @rmtuser = N'Admin',

    @rmtpassword = ''


    sp_addlinkedsrvlogin 'VIMachine', false, 'YourSQLLogin', 'Admin', NULL

    Read this article:

  • Thanks much. This works. There is a small problem with this. If I log on to Query Analyser using sa user id and if I run the query

    select * from OPENQUERY(VIMachine, 'Select * from DataFile') is not working. What would be the reason for this?

    Thanks again for your help.

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