Set deadlines by adding business days or hours

  • Comments posted to this topic are about the item Set deadlines by adding business days or hours

    John Deupree

  • When I use minutes and seconds in the start date, it does not add the minutes.

    DECLARE@return_value int,

    @dEndDate datetime

    SELECT@dEndDate = N'2013-06-29 21:39:07'

    EXEC@return_value = [dbo].[bcssp_AddBusinessHours]

    @dBegDate = N'2013-06-29 21:39:07',

    @iHours = 10,

    @cBusBeg = N'08:00:00',

    @cBusEnd = N'18:00:00',

    @dEndDate = @dEndDate OUTPUT

    SELECT@dEndDate as N'@dEndDate'

    SELECT'Return Value' = @return_value

    Gives me "2013-07-02 08:00:00.000" as the result...

    Sorry, did not see that my startdate was at saturday, calculation is correct!

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