Find The Database Recovery Model

  • Comments posted to this topic are about the item Find The Database Recovery Model

  • You can also determine the recovery model using the function DATABASEPROPERTYEX

    It returns a SQL_VARIANT, so you need to convert it into character data


    It will return 'FULL', 'SIMPLE' or 'BULK_LOGGED'

  • Script para listar todos os bancos de dados da instância utilizando sp_msforeachdb.

    IF object_id('Recovery') is not null

    DROP TABLE Recovery

    CREATE TABLE Recovery(

    [name] sysname NOT NULL,

    [RecoveryModel] nvarchar(128) NOT NULL



    INSERT INTO Recovery

    EXECUTE master.dbo.sp_msforeachdb 'select DB_NAME(DB_ID(''?'')) as name, convert(sysname,DatabasePropertyEx(DB_NAME(DB_ID(''?'')),''Recovery'')) as RecoveryModel'

    SELECT * FROM Recovery

    IF object_id('Recovery') is not null

    DROP TABLE Recovery

  • When i try executing that query it shows an error "string or binary data truncated"

    there is a pblm in insert into #temp exec sp_helpdb

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