Trouble Enabling SQL Audits

  • Trouble Enabling SQL Audits


    I am running SQL Server 2014 SP2 CU8 on Windows Server2012

    I am trying to enable an SQL Audit that writes to theWindows Security Log and shuts down the instances upon failure. 


    I am using the Virtual Service accounts NTAUTHORITY\MSSQL@instanceName to run the SQL Server Service

    I have added the virtual service accounts to the LocalSecurity Policy Generate security audits and I have given the account fullpermission to the “Security” folder in the registry



    The problem I am having is when I try to enable the auditthe service stops which is often normal, but when I start the service againaudit is disabled – It will not stay enabled. The only errors in the SQL Error Logs are


    Source          spid55


    Audit: Server Audit: 65537, Initialized and AssignedState: START_FAILED


    Source          spid55


    Audit: Server Audit: 65537, State changed from:START_FAILED to: TARGET_CREATION_FAILED


    In some cases I have 3 instances on a box and two willenable just fine and one does not.  Onone server with multiple instances none of them will enable. 


    Any ideas of where to look for the errors or what to dois appreciated. 


  • not sure where to look, but may be you can create a startup procedure to ensure audit is enabled when sql comes up, I am not sure if it will work you have to test it out

  • jayoub - Monday, March 5, 2018 8:37 AM

    Trouble Enabling SQL Audits


    I am running SQL Server 2014 SP2 CU8 on Windows Server2012

    I am trying to enable an SQL Audit that writes to theWindows Security Log and shuts down the instances upon failure. 


    I am using the Virtual Service accounts NTAUTHORITY\MSSQL@instanceName to run the SQL Server Service

    I have added the virtual service accounts to the LocalSecurity Policy Generate security audits and I have given the account fullpermission to the “Security†folder in the registry



    The problem I am having is when I try to enable the auditthe service stops which is often normal, but when I start the service againaudit is disabled – It will not stay enabled. The only errors in the SQL Error Logs are


    Source          spid55


    Audit: Server Audit: 65537, Initialized and AssignedState: START_FAILED


    Source          spid55


    Audit: Server Audit: 65537, State changed from:START_FAILED to: TARGET_CREATION_FAILED


    In some cases I have 3 instances on a box and two willenable just fine and one does not.  Onone server with multiple instances none of them will enable. 


    Any ideas of where to look for the errors or what to dois appreciated. 

    There generally is a lot more logged than this - with the other entries providing a clue of what the issue is. I don't think I've ever seen it be just two lines like that.


  • Thanks, I will keep trying. 
    If anybody can think of something please let me know


  • I think i figured out the problem
    A mistake on my part.  I actually added the permissions to the EventLog folder in the registry and it should be to the Security folder under it. 
    I added the permissions today and will try to enable the audit during the next outage, but I am sure it will work.


  • well I hope it works for you, I personally like to keep the audit data in separate files, the reason being is (1) I can manage audit myself, what ever (purge) policy is defined for event/security/application log will not erase my data otherwise I will have to run after sysadmins to have it restored.  (2) it is kind of filter in groups. so it makes it easy when I am looking for something. (3) easy to import to a database if required

    I one script on all my instances to setup audit. 

    set nocount on
    declare @server_audit_groups table (saname nvarchar(100))
    declare @loc varchar(500)
    declare @sql varchar (500)
    declare @okay int
    declare @saname nvarchar(100)
    insert into @server_audit_groups values ('APPLICATION_ROLE_CHANGE_PASSWORD_GROUP')
    insert into @server_audit_groups values ('AUDIT_CHANGE_GROUP')
    insert into @server_audit_groups values ('BACKUP_RESTORE_GROUP')
    insert into @server_audit_groups values ('BROKER_LOGIN_GROUP')
    insert into @server_audit_groups values ('DATABASE_CHANGE_GROUP')
    insert into @server_audit_groups values ('DATABASE_LOGOUT_GROUP')
    insert into @server_audit_groups values ('DATABASE_MIRRORING_LOGIN_GROUP')
    -- insert into @server_audit_groups values ('DATABASE_OBJECT_ACCESS_GROUP') -- will genrate too much info
    -- insert into @server_audit_groups values ('DATABASE_OBJECT_CHANGE_GROUP') -- will genrate too much info
    insert into @server_audit_groups values ('DATABASE_OBJECT_OWNERSHIP_CHANGE_GROUP')
    insert into @server_audit_groups values ('DATABASE_OBJECT_PERMISSION_CHANGE_GROUP')
    insert into @server_audit_groups values ('DATABASE_OPERATION_GROUP')
    insert into @server_audit_groups values ('DATABASE_OWNERSHIP_CHANGE_GROUP')
    insert into @server_audit_groups values ('DATABASE_PERMISSION_CHANGE_GROUP')
    insert into @server_audit_groups values ('DATABASE_PRINCIPAL_CHANGE_GROUP')
    insert into @server_audit_groups values ('DATABASE_PRINCIPAL_IMPERSONATION_GROUP')
    insert into @server_audit_groups values ('DATABASE_ROLE_MEMBER_CHANGE_GROUP')
    insert into @server_audit_groups values ('DBCC_GROUP')
    insert into @server_audit_groups values ('FAILED_DATABASE_AUTHENTICATION_GROUP')
    insert into @server_audit_groups values ('FAILED_LOGIN_GROUP')
    insert into @server_audit_groups values ('FULLTEXT_GROUP')
    insert into @server_audit_groups values ('LOGIN_CHANGE_PASSWORD_GROUP')
    insert into @server_audit_groups values ('LOGOUT_GROUP')
    --insert into @server_audit_groups values ('SCHEMA_OBJECT_ACCESS_GROUP') -- will genrate too much info
    insert into @server_audit_groups values ('SCHEMA_OBJECT_CHANGE_GROUP')
    insert into @server_audit_groups values ('SCHEMA_OBJECT_OWNERSHIP_CHANGE_GROUP')
    insert into @server_audit_groups values ('SCHEMA_OBJECT_PERMISSION_CHANGE_GROUP')
    insert into @server_audit_groups values ('SERVER_OBJECT_CHANGE_GROUP')
    insert into @server_audit_groups values ('SERVER_OBJECT_OWNERSHIP_CHANGE_GROUP')
    insert into @server_audit_groups values ('SERVER_OBJECT_PERMISSION_CHANGE_GROUP')
    insert into @server_audit_groups values ('SERVER_OPERATION_GROUP')
    insert into @server_audit_groups values ('SERVER_PERMISSION_CHANGE_GROUP')
    insert into @server_audit_groups values ('SERVER_PRINCIPAL_CHANGE_GROUP')
    insert into @server_audit_groups values ('SERVER_PRINCIPAL_IMPERSONATION_GROUP')
    insert into @server_audit_groups values ('SERVER_ROLE_MEMBER_CHANGE_GROUP')
    insert into @server_audit_groups values ('SERVER_STATE_CHANGE_GROUP')
    insert into @server_audit_groups values ('SUCCESSFUL_DATABASE_AUTHENTICATION_GROUP')
    insert into @server_audit_groups values ('SUCCESSFUL_LOGIN_GROUP')
    insert into @server_audit_groups values ('TRACE_CHANGE_GROUP')
    insert into @server_audit_groups values ('USER_CHANGE_PASSWORD_GROUP')
    insert into @server_audit_groups values ('USER_DEFINED_AUDIT_GROUP')

    SELECT @loc = replace(cast(SERVERPROPERTY('ErrorLogFileName') as varchar(255)),'ERRORLOG','')
    declare c1 cursor for select saname from @server_audit_groups
    open c1
    fetch c1 into @saname
    while @@FETCH_STATUS = 0
    --select @okay = count (*) FROM [master].[sys].[dm_server_audit_status]

    --print @okay
    --if @okay = 0

    set @sql='CREATE SERVER AUDIT [' + @saname +'] TO FILE (FILEPATH = '''
    set @sql = @sql + @loc
    set @sql = @sql + ''',MAXSIZE = 2048 MB ,MAX_ROLLOVER_FILES = 2147483647 ,RESERVE_DISK_SPACE = OFF )'
    print @sql
    --EXEC (@sql)

    set @sql = 'alter server audit ['+@saname +'] with (state = ON)'
    print @sql

    set @sql = 'CREATE SERVER AUDIT SPECIFICATION ['+ @saname +'] FOR SERVER AUDIT ['+@saname +'] ADD ('+@saname +') WITH (STATE = ON)'
    PRINT @sql
    fetch next from c1 into @saname
    set nocount off
    close c1
    deallocate c1

  • Thank you for the reply

    I actually wanted to audit to file, but the Security configuration state Audit to the Windows Security Event Log.  We actually have an application that archives the security log of the servers, so i don't have to worry about it filling up or dealing with the files.


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