Calculate Median Values in SSRS

  • Hello,

    I have the following codes to calculate the median value by groups in SSRS.
    Dim Public Shared MedianArray(0) As Integer

    Public Function ResetMedian()
    ReDim MedianArray(0)
    End Function

    Public Function AddToMedian(fieldValue As Decimal) As Decimal
    Dim i As Integer
    i = UBound(MedianArray) + 1
    ReDim Preserve MedianArray(i)
    MedianArray(i) = fieldValue
    AddToMedian = fieldValue
    End Function

    Public Function GetMedian() as Decimal
    Dim arraySize as Integer
    Dim ii as Integer
    Dim jj As Integer
    Dim itemMoved As Boolean
    Dim temp As Integer

    'sort it & calculate it
    arraySize = UBound(MedianArray)
    If arraySize = 1 Then
    GetMedian = ( MedianArray(0) )
    Exit Function
    Else If arraySize > 1 Then
    For ii = 0 To arraySize - 1
    itemMoved = false
    For jj = LBound(MedianArray) To UBound(MedianArray) - 1
    If MedianArray(jj) > MedianArray(jj + 1)
    temp = MedianArray(jj)
    MedianArray(jj) = MedianArray(jj + 1)
    MedianArray(jj + 1) = temp
    itemMoved = True
    End If
    If itemMoved = False Then Exit For

    'calculate it
    If arraySize Mod 2 = 0 Then
    'average the two middle values
    GetMedian = ( (MedianArray(arraySize / 2) + MedianArray((arraySize / 2) + 1)) / 2)

    'get the middle value
    GetMedian = MedianArray(Floor((arraySize / 2)) + 1)
    End If
    End If
    End Function
    The code is working except a minor problem.
    For example, I have following salary in the order.

    So the median salary should be (3142.50+3432.00) / 2 = 3422.25. However, the result only shows $3422.00 (no decimal parts), not $3422.25.
    But if I test using GetMedian = (100.50+ 100.70)/2 = 100.60.  The result shows correctly.

    Any help is highly appreciated.



  • Try the format property of the cell or text box where you are displaying this value. Refer to this documentation for more information: 
    Formatting Numbers and Dates (Report Builder and SSRS)


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