Deleting all characters to the right of char(13) or char(10).

  • I have a table that has a varchar(255) column. In that column, there are instances where data has a carriage return or line feed.

    I would like to delete all text to the right of the carriage return or line feed as well as the carriage return and line feed itself. This column is exposed as an open text field in the application so there is no standardized data lengths or standard for the data.

    So, for instance, I would like:

    INTERNAL COMMUNICATIONS:{Char(13)}Blah blah blah blah

    to be only:



    NOTES/MEMOS:{Char(13)}This is a random note. It could go on for up to 200+ charaters, etc.

    to be only:



  • Give this a try:

    with basedata as ( -- creating test data




    (values ('INTERNAL COMMUNICATIONS:' + Char(13) + 'Blah blah blah blah'),

    ('NOTES/MEMOS:' + Char(13) + 'This is a random note. It could go on for up to 200+ charaters, etc.'),

    ('INTERNAL COMMUNICATIONS:' + Char(10) + 'Blah blah blah blah'),

    ('NOTES/MEMOS:' + Char(10) + 'This is a random note. It could go on for up to 200+ charaters, etc.'))dt(TestStr)




    left(TestStr,patindex('%[' + char(13) + char(10) + ']%', TestStr) - 1)



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