DrillThrough Report Issue

  • I have to Create 2 Reports (Parent,Child) applying drillthrough report .Child Report level creating single value parameter,When i am passing parent to child report parameneter value is not passing using MDX.

    Can u pls help me on this.

  • How do you do the drillthrough? With a drillthrough action on an object?

    Can you post a screenshot of the configuration?

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  • I'm going to assume you are using SSRS here....if so you have to be careful when passing parameters from one report to the other using mdx (for a number of reasons including how the sub report expects to consume the parameter) - try changing the expression of the value you are passing to be fields!whateveryouarepassing.UniqueName as a starter for ten.

    If you are passing through the value of a parameter already selected and it is multi-value, SSRS will default to the first item in the array (0). Remove this to pass them all.

    We need more detail really 🙂

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