Createing a Server and Database Audit Policy with Alert

  • I am new to SQL Server 2012 in the Policy management function. So, I am trying to setup a Server Level and Database Level Audit that is checked on a daily basis. Some server and database level audits already exist on or servers. My problem is some of the servers getting recognized base on the conditions I have for the policy while some are getting missed after being evaluated.

    When I setup the condition for the policy, I select the Facet of Database Audit Specification. In the Expression: I have @AuditName, AND @Enabled, AND @Name. However, when I click on the tree for Databases in Object Explorer, Databases\Database Name\Security\Database Audit Specification there is clearly no database audit setup and not being displayed in my evaluated condition for the policy. Are the conditions for the policy looking elsewhere? Thanks for the help all.

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