Count of siblings MDX issue

  • Hi.

    I have an issue whereby including my calculated measure in a pivot returns more rows that I've filtered by.

    So within my Account dimension I have a few attributes, one being a 'Parent Acct Id' and another the 'Child Acct Id'. I have setup the hierarchy accordingly and then created my measure, this being.

    [Measures].[Linked Accounts] AS COUNT([Account].[My Hierarchy].CURRENTMEMBER.SIBLINGS)

    Then if I use my 'Child Acct Id' on rows the linked accounts measure would correctly show the number of siblings. However the problem arises when I want to reduce the result set by another dimension attribute (e.g. a country name from a 'Country' dimension) - doing this has no affect on the rows returned.

    I should mention that if I filter on another attribute within the 'Account' dimension then that does filter as required.

    So I don't understand why the CURRENTMEMBER function doesn't work across other dimensions I'm filtering-on.

    Any ideas?



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