"Could not find a log backup file that could be applied to secondary database"

  • Hello all,

    I'm running into some trouble setting up log shipping (on a 2008 R2 installation) and I'm hoping someone can point me in the right direction.

    I'm using the setup wizard to configure everything to ship logs from DB X on Server A, to DB X_Reporting on Server B. Everything goes smoothly, with no errors, regardless of whether I create the DB X_Reporting from scratch (using the wizard) or overwrite an already existing DB X_Reporting... and regardless of whether I take an immediate backup, or use the most recent backup that already exists.

    The problem is this - Once everything has been set up, when the LSRestore job runs, it doesn't error out, but gives the following:

    Searching through log backup files for first log backup to restore. Secondary DB: 'X_Reporting'

    Skipped log backup file. Secondary DB: 'X_Reporting', File: '\\xxxxxxxxxdevdb01\Reporting_Refresh\X_Reporting_20130917033002.trn'

    Could not find a log backup file that could be applied to secondary database 'X_Reporting'

    Number of log backup files restored: 0

    The backup step (on the primary) works fine. The copy step works fine. All the permissions are good, and the files are getting moved to where they are supposed to be.

    LSN issue? Even if I take the backup immediately?


  • Yes its look like after reading your post to be a LSN Issue. I will suggests you to just take a Full Backup and Restore on secondary. It will surely resolve LSN issue.

  • sickpup (9/17/2013)

    Hello all,

    I'm running into some trouble setting up log shipping (on a 2008 R2 installation) and I'm hoping someone can point me in the right direction.

    I'm using the setup wizard to configure everything to ship logs from DB X on Server A, to DB X_Reporting on Server B. Everything goes smoothly, with no errors, regardless of whether I create the DB X_Reporting from scratch (using the wizard) or overwrite an already existing DB X_Reporting... and regardless of whether I take an immediate backup, or use the most recent backup that already exists.

    The problem is this - Once everything has been set up, when the LSRestore job runs, it doesn't error out, but gives the following:

    Searching through log backup files for first log backup to restore. Secondary DB: 'X_Reporting'

    Skipped log backup file. Secondary DB: 'X_Reporting', File: '\\xxxxxxxxxdevdb01\Reporting_Refresh\X_Reporting_20130917033002.trn'

    Could not find a log backup file that could be applied to secondary database 'X_Reporting'

    Number of log backup files restored: 0

    The backup step (on the primary) works fine. The copy step works fine. All the permissions are good, and the files are getting moved to where they are supposed to be.

    LSN issue? Even if I take the backup immediately?


    You should be able to repair the log shipping plan by taking a differential backup from the primary and restoring this to the secondary.

    How often are your full backups running?

    Have you checked for any other log backup jobs\operations running against your primary database?


    "Ya can't make an omelette without breaking just a few eggs" 😉

  • seems like,,, an other transaction back up is being taken.

    check, whether any other plan is running simultaneously !!

  • Thanks, all. As some of you predicted, we still had a transaction log backup job running against the primary database - completely seperate from the log shipping sequence. I removed that, and now everything is running perfectly.

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