trying to use a linked server ODBC...

  • Not sure what forum to post in but I have the DSN/ODBC setup and working properly except for 1 thing. i can see and access the odbc data using the openquery option but when i try to directly select the data i get error about not able to obtain the dbschema_columns. the odbc driver/software does provide the column information. after doing some tracking down/support work i have discovered that a system table from the odbc vendor has all the column name per table. HOWEVER, one of the columns in that table is FORMAT. which i suspect is the problem but the vendor says it is not.

    select * from openquery(LINKEDSERVER,'select * from SYSTEM_COLUMNS')

    throws an error back to me.

    Msg 7342, Level 16, State 1, Line 1

    An unexpected NULL value was returned for column "[MSDASQL].FORMAT" from OLE DB provider "MSDASQL" for linked server "LINKEDSERVER". This column cannot be NULL.

    I was wondering if the support person from vendor is correct in saying that the column name FORMAT is not the problem, or is it?

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