• Can anyone please tell how to import data from an excel file to sql server table in SSIS using a stored procedure. I have an excel connection manager which is used by an excel source in the data flow. I don't know where to go from here. Thanks!!

  • create procedure _sp_importexceldata

    (@Source varchar(1000)

    , @SourceSheet varchar (100)

    , @DestinationTable varchar (100))


    declare @retval int

    EXEC master..xp_fileexist @Source, @retval output

    if @retval = 0


    print 'file does not exist.'



    if @SourceSheet is null or @SourceSheet = ''

    set @SourceSheet = '[Sheet1$]'


    set @SourceSheet = '[' + ltrim(rtrim(@SourceSheet)) + '$]'

    if @DestinationTable is null or @DestinationTable = ''

    set @DestinationTable = substring(@SourceSheet, 2, len(@SourceSheet) - 3) +

    convert(varchar, getdate(), 126)

    exec('select * into [' + @DestinationTable + '] from openrowset(''Microsoft.Jet.OLEDB.4.0'', ''Excel 8.0;HDR=YES;Database=' + @Source + ''', ' + @SourceSheet + ')')

    This thing is addressing problems that dont exist. Its solution-ism at its worst. We are dumbing down machines that are inherently superior. - Gilfoyle

  • Just a small remark: Henrico's SP is great, but you cannot use it in the Excel Source with an Excel connection manager. You need to launch the sp from an Execute SQL Task with a connection manager pointing to your DB.

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  • If you already have an Excel connection manager and a data flow, you don't need to use a stored procedure - not to do the actual importing, anyway. What are you trying to do - move everything from an Excel workbook into a table with the same column structure?


  • Thank you guys for responding.

    The spreadsheet has 160 columns with one row for each column. The destination table has a primary key called "ID" which is not on the spreadsheet.

    The 1st step is to get the "ID" from another table where the columnname matches the columnname on the spreadsheet.

    The 2nd step is to insert the "ID" and the value of each column to the destination table.

    How can I achieve this?

    Thank you!

  • You can use the Excel Source in the data flow to read the Excel file (not with a stored procedure). Then you can use a Lookup component to find the corresponding ID and insert it into the destination with an OLE DB Destination.

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  • This will not work because the excel column header is a row in the table. For instance, the 160 column header is the same as the 160 rows in "Name" Column of the table. I will have to do some pivoting but I am not sure where this will take place

  • Can you give some sample data so we can see what we're dealing with?

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  • File sample data:

    col1 col2 col3 col4 COL5

    1.22 1.2475 1.395 1.6 1.275

    The file will always have two rows with 160 columns.

    The column names in the file is = to the result of this query: Select Name from table where id = 2

    The lookup might only work if I can find a way to transpose the columns to rows and give the column name "Name"

  • Koen, is this data sufficient?

  • wanox (7/26/2013)

    Koen, is this data sufficient?

    I'll have a look later. I have to go to work now 🙂

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  • You haven't shown what the data in your table looks like, but I think I can picture it.

    It looks as if you have three options:

    (1) Pivot in Excel then load directly into the table

    (2) Pivot as part of your data flow and load directly into the table

    (3) Load into a staging table, then do a T-SQL PIVOT into your table


  • I cannot pivot in excel (source data).

    I have tried to pivot as part of my data flow and have not been successful. Can you help me out here please

    The data in the table looks like this:

    ID Date Value

    10 getdate() 1.357

    The ID is generated by running a query to select name from another table where name matches the column name on the spreadsheet.

  • wanox (7/26/2013)

    I cannot pivot in excel (source data).

    I have tried to pivot as part of my data flow and have not been successful. Can you help me out here please

    The data in the table looks like this:

    ID Date Value

    10 getdate() 1.357

    The ID is generated by running a query to select name from another table where name matches the column name on the spreadsheet.

    Can you post a few more lines of sample data and the desired output?

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  • This is a sample of data destination:












    This is sample of source excel file:




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