Connecting to AdventureWorks on Azure

  • Comments posted to this topic are about the item Connecting to AdventureWorks on Azure

  • Login is failing:

    "Failed to connect to server (Microsoft.SqlServer.ConnectionInfo)

    Additional Information:

    Cannot open database "master" requested by login. The login failed.

    Login failed for user 'sqlfamily'.

    This session has been assigned a tracing ID of 'cfc865f3-2498-4240-b87b-a195f50fdfe6'. Provide

    this tracing ID to customer support when you need assistance. (Microsoft SQL Server, Error: 4060)

  • You need to specify the database as "AdventureWorks2012".

  • That worked. Thanks.

  • I can't connect 🙁

    I cecked the server name, login, password and database and all is correctly filled, but I can't connect in any way. I'm using SSMS 2008 R2, but the azure site said it works (previous versions don't).

    "Cannot connect to

    A network-related or instance-specific error occurred while establishing a connection to SQL Server. The server was not found or was not accessible. Verify that the instance name is correct and that SQL Server is configured to allow remote connections. (provider: Named Pipes Provider, error: 40 - Could not open a connection to SQL Server) (Microsoft SQL Server, Error: 53)"

    I believe I need help with firewall settings. What is the IP/port used by Azure? Is there anything we need to configure regarding network to access this database?

    thanks in advance,

  • 1433, the standard SQL port is used by Microsoft.

    You can specify this as :, 1433

  • Thanks for the quick reply, Steve, but I still can't access it. Maybe there is some firewall interfering, because I'm on a corporate network right now. I'll try again from home and see if it can connect.


  • Does this only work with 2012 or should 2008R2 be able to connect?

  • MS says Management Studio 2008R2 is able to connect to Azure. 2008-non-R2 is NOT however.

    (I forgot to try to access last night 🙁 )

  • I don't have a 2008 SSMS handy to test, but it may not work. It should, but it may not. Are you connecting in a query window or object explorer? I'd expect the former to work.

    You can download SSMS 2012 only:

  • I am able to connect with 2008R2. It's a fantastic idea to have this hosted by redgate.



  • just got SSMS installed at home. it works!!! too bad my corporate firewall blocks it... 🙁

  • Tested it from home using SSMS2008R2 (sp2): Works like a charm 🙂

    Now to get our company network admins to open the required port :crazy:

    ref:Guidelines for Connecting to Windows Azure SQL Database

    The Windows Azure SQL Database service is only available with TCP port 1433. To access a SQL Database database from your computer, ensure that your firewall allows outgoing TCP communication on TCP port 1433.

    Thanks again SSC for making life easy 😉


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  • Did you also publish a web service to consume e.g. the [northwind].[sales by year] stored procedure ?

    trying to build my first Windows phone app and experienced the account doesn't have execute authority for this stored proc.


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  • I haven't changed anything, but I'll look into this.

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