SQL Query help

  • I need help with the following SQL query:

    select whoverified, whochecked AS 'userid', count(*) whoverified, count (*) whochecked

    from rxproductivity

    join users on rxproductivity.whoverified = users.userid

    join users on rxproductivity.whochecked = users.userid

    group by whoverified, whochecked

    having count(whoverified) > 1

    order by count(whoverified) desc

    I am trying to count the number of times a particular USERID is shown in the columns named WHOVERIFIED and WHOCHECKED grouping the results by USERID.

    USERID is in USERS table


    When I execute the above SQL query, I get this error message:

    The objects "users" and "users" in the FROM clause have the same exposed names. Use correlation names to distinguish them.

    Any help would be most appreciated.

  • aliases are always needed when you add the same table twice; here'a i'm using an aribtrary T1 and T2;

    it especially helps the query as well, as with your example, it looks like you are only selecting columns from the rxproductivity table, so it seems like there's no value to joining to the other tables;

    maybe you were going to further enhance it to get the names from the other tables?

    here's my best guess, without having the tables DDL to confirm anything:



    R1.whochecked AS 'userid',

    T1.Name as VerifiedUser,

    T2.Name as WhoCheckedUser,

    COUNT(*) whoverified,

    COUNT (*) whochecked

    FROM rxproductivity R1

    JOIN users T1

    ON R1.whoverified = T1.userid

    JOIN users T2

    ON R1.whochecked = T2.userid







    COUNT(R1.whoverified) > 1


    COUNT(R1.whoverified) DESC


    --help us help you! If you post a question, make sure you include a CREATE TABLE... statement and INSERT INTO... statement into that table to give the volunteers here representative data. with your description of the problem, we can provide a tested, verifiable solution to your question! asking the question the right way gets you a tested answer the fastest way possible!

  • Try this:

    select whoverified, whochecked AS 'userid', count(*) whoverified, count (*) whochecked

    from rxproductivity

    join users us1 on rxproductivity.whoverified = us1.userid

    join users us2 on rxproductivity.whochecked = us2.userid

    group by whoverified, whochecked

    having count(whoverified) > 1

    order by count(whoverified) desc

  • Thanks for the quick reply.

    Not sure if I was clear in what I'm trying to accomplish with this query.

    What I'm trying to do is count the number of times a USERID appears in the WHOVERIFIED and WHOCHECKED columns of the RXPRODUCTIVITY table and return the results in the following format:


    12345 51 0

    2345 10 0

    3456 0 23

    If I use this query, I get the correct output but it lacks the WHOCHECKED column:

    select whoverified AS 'userid', count(*) whoverified

    from rxproductivity

    join users

    on rxproductivity.whoverified = users.userid

    group by whoverified

    having count(whoverified) > 1

    order by count(whoverified) desc

    I really appreciate your help with this.

  • This is probably what you need


    SUM( CASE WHEN U.userid = P.whoverified THEN 1 ELSE 0 END ) AS whoverified,

    SUM( CASE WHEN U.userid = P.whochecked THEN 1 ELSE 0 END ) AS whochecked

    FROMusers AS U

    INNER JOIN rxproductivity AS P ON U.userid = P.whoverified OR U.userid = P.whochecked

    GROUP BY U.userid

    Kingston Dhasian

    How to post data/code on a forum to get the best help - Jeff Moden

  • Hey thanks.

    This works perfectly with what i am trying to do.

    The only down side to using this is it does not return results where userid's have 0 records in both whoverified and whochecked columns of the rxproductivity table.

    Other than that, it is just what I need.

    Thanks for your help.:-)

  • jrseven68 (3/25/2013)

    Hey thanks.

    This works perfectly with what i am trying to do.

    The only down side to using this is it does not return results where userid's have 0 records in both whoverified and whochecked columns of the rxproductivity table.

    Other than that, it is just what I need.

    Thanks for your help.:-)

    Try replacing the INNER JOIN with LEFT OUTER JOIN in the query

    That should give you the desired results.

    Kingston Dhasian

    How to post data/code on a forum to get the best help - Jeff Moden

  • I edited the query as you mentioned and it worked.

    Now I have additional requirements to be added:

    REQ #1: I need to associate usernames instead of UserID

    So how would I go about translating the UserID to match the Username?

    REQ #2: I need to include a total for QtyRxFilled and QtyRxChecked

    Below is how the tables are structured in the database

    Users.UserID varchar(10) NOT NULL

    RxProductivity.WhoVerified varchar (10) NULL

    RxProductivity.Whochecked varchar (10) NULL

    Again, I thank you for your assistance with this.

    Your help is greatly appreciated.

  • We don't have any idea how your tables look like and what are the column names

    Can you provide us the DDL of the tables involved along with some sample data and the expected results based on the sample data

    That will help us provide you a tested solution back

    Kingston Dhasian

    How to post data/code on a forum to get the best help - Jeff Moden

  • Thanks for the attempt at this.

    I've been able to incorporate those additional requirements into the query.

    For REQ #1: I simply added a 2nd table into the report and that took care of this requirement.

    For REQ #2: I ended up changing the data type when creating my temp table. The problem was occurring due to the data type being varchar so I changed it to float and then I was able to summarize the data in the columns.

    Not sure if I had mentioned what I was using this SQL query for.

    I will be using to gather data into a temp table and displaying the results in a report using Crystal Reports XI.

    Thanks for all of your help.

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