permission to windowsgroup

  • I have created 3 users in windows which are part of windows group named

    wingrp1. I created a login in sql from this wingrp1 i.e myserver\wingrp1.

    now if i give permission to this group it applies to all 3 windows users.but what I want is that a separate permission should be granted to this user in sql.

    Is it possible?so when they login they access different objects.

    Is there a way to grant different permission to users in a windows group in sql2008.

    Thanks in advance.

  • but what I want is that a separate permission should be granted to this user in sql.

    Is it possible?so when they login they access different objects.

    Yes. Drop the SQL Server Login you created based on Windows Group myserver\wingrp1 and add individual SQL Server Logins for each Windows User, e.g. myserver\winusr1, myserver\winusr2 and myserver\winusr3. With this approach each SQL Server Login can have a separate set of permissions in the database instance.

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  • I would create a new Active Directory group and move that user into it. The reason, based on our environment here, is that we get alot of requests to create users with the same rights and permissions as another user. Simply adding those users to an existing group simplifies management enormously.

    The disadvantage of using single-user logins as opposed to group-based logins is that you then have to touch each individuals account in order to make a simple change. The centralised management of users for a single purpose is something that I believe is greatly underestimated.

    In situations where one user has membership in several groups (a very possible scenario), the permissions are grouped together in all situations except where an explicit DENY has been issued. Try it.....I think you will be pleasntly surprised!

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