Hide column does not work when deployed

  • Hi all,

    This has caused me a headache as i can't figure out what's going on. Here goes:

    I have a tablix with 2 column groups. Let's say they are group2 and group1

    group2 visibility depends on a parameter called "Hide". If "Hide" is set to true, group2 will be hidden.

    group1 visibility can be toggled by a text box in group2 (let's call it tb2) with initial visibility is set to true if "Hide" parameter is true and vice versa.

    so here is the illustration:

    Hide Parameter sets to True

    group2 is hidden, tb2 is hidden as well.

    group1 is visible.

    Hide Parameter sets to False

    group2 is visible.

    group1 is hidden with tb2 as the toggle.

    Now, everything worked fine when I'm testing it on my Visual Studio. However, when I deployed it and tested it, group1 is always hidden even when "Hide" parameter is set to TRUE.

    Has anybody come across something like this before and know the solution?

    Thank you in advance.

    Justin The

  • I've got a similar issue where something works well in VS2008 but not at all in SSRS once it's deployed.

    If I get any update I'll post here if you do the same? 😀

  • deal!

    I'll post my solution if I got any.

    so far, we've been putting this report on hold. will let you know if anything comes up.

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