MDX to calculate measure between two dates

  • Hi ,

    I have a dimension which has the following data

    Name StartDate

    EndDate Duration

    PreSalesStartDate PostSalesEndDate

    Sales1 01-Jan-2010

    31-Jan-2010 31

    01-Dec-2009 02-Mar-2010

    Duration refers to the dfference between start date and end date .

    PreSalesStart date is nothing but subtracting 31 days ( the duration ) from the start date and PostSalesEndDate refers to the addition of duration period to the End Date .

    I have a cube which returns me the sales which happened between the start date and the end date . ( I have a separate time dimension which is related to the fact table )

    Now when i try to find the sales which happened between the presalesstartdate and startdate . i am not getting null in the display .

    I have tried using the mdx as follows


    Please let me know what i am missing, i am sure it should be something with the logic that i am applying and not on the syntax because i am not getting any #value error while displaying the data



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