capturing multiple attributes from node

  • If I have an xml file below




    <BookNumber>12345</BookNumber><BookAuthorLoop><Author name="John Doe"><Author name="Jane Doe"></DetailLoop>



    Right now my sql code looks like this and only captures the first author, how do I get it to get both Authors name, do I need to loop it of some kind?

    Insert into tblBook

    Select *

    From OpenXML

    With (

    BookNumber varchar(50) '/Document/FileDetail/BookNumber',

    BookAuthor varchar(500) '/Document/FileDetail/BookAuthorLoop/Author/@name'


    The table looks like this

    BookNumber BookAuthor

    1234 John Doe

    I would like it to capture all authors like this

    Book Number Book Author

    1234 John Doe, Jane Doe

    Any help/guidance will be greatly appreciated. Thanks.

  • Hi,

    I would use the newer XML functions rather then the old OPENXML. Syntax wise you could probably do this in a couple of ways, but here is one that I have come up with (i've tweaked your example xml to make it valid)

    DECLARE @xml XML

    SET @xml = '<xml>





    <Author name="John Doe"/>

    <Author name="Jane Doe"/>





    SELECT a.c.value('(BookNumber/text())[1]', 'int')

    , b.c.value('(@name)[1]', 'varchar(30)')

    FROM @xml.nodes('/xml/Document/FileDetail') AS a(c)

    CROSS APPLY a.c.nodes('BookAuthorLoop/Author') AS b(c)

  • The new xml functions runs more effeciently than the old OPENXML, that is why you suggest this? If I have a file I need to load, I was use

    SET @xml = 'location of xml'

    In your example does the brackets [1] specify that there are more than one value or is it the cross apply? This would work whether there would be 1,2 and 3 or more authors, correct? So in your example I would do this:

    Insert into tblBook

    SELECT a.c.value('(BookNumber/text())[1]', 'int')

    , b.c.value('(@name)[1]', 'varchar(30)')

    FROM @xml.nodes('/xml/Document/FileDetail') AS a(c)

    CROSS APPLY a.c.nodes('BookAuthorLoop/Author') AS b(c)

    I would then I have one row of record containing

    BookNumber Book Author

    1234 John Doe, Jane Doe

    When I query for the book number in the table?

    Thanks for taking the time to help.

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