• Hi! The query is great, but I miss something that I want to use in my environment. I would also like to see the size and the set_id of that last (log) backup.

    Tried this one:

    select Database_name,

    COALESCE(Convert(varchar(20), MAX(backup_finish_date), 113),'Backup Not Taken') as


    COALESCE(Convert(float, MAX(backup_size), 101),'NA') as BUsize,

    COALESCE(Convert(float, MAX(backup_set_id), 101),'NA') as BUid

    from msdb.dbo.backupset where type='L'

    GROUP BY Database_name

    But this gives me the last backup date, the maximum backup size, and the maximum backup_set_id. The first and the last are the right values, but I want to see the real size of that last backup. Anyone can help please?

    Thanks, Roland.

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