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  • "It's a bit harsh to say that if you're not supported at home then it's your own fault, however it's true that people of either gender have home issues that will affect their whole lives (including work). Unfortunately lack of self esteem occurs too often in women leading them to accept the situation more frequently."

    At least in my country, men and women get to choose whom they marry.

    There is no legal support for an arranged marriage.

    So, who someone marries, for better or for worse, is a personal choice. If someone makes a bad choice, for whatever reason, it's their problem, not ours. They need to take action to fix the problem or live with the consequences.

    Lack of self-esteem is a choice. It is a self-crippling choice. It can be extremely hard to choose to be different. But it is a choice. The person who chooses it will have to pay the often severe penalties for that choice.

    I did my best to raise my kids so they didn't get any boosters in that direction, but ultimately, it was still their choice, one way or the other, as to how they responded to my parenting.

    So, no, I don't think it's a bit harsh to say that at all. It's just plain, unvarnished truth.