• It's not surprising that so many people get this wrong. Not much effort is given by authors to fully explain this, perhaps a few don't know either. I used to misunderstand it as well, but the QoD have enlightened me... As I understand it, both the pages and rows are physically sorted ONLY after an index rebuild (or the table has had no page splits yet). From there, new pages and page splits can be placed anywhere and logically ordered through double linkage. This is where fragmentation starts to occur. Rows remain physically sorted within the pages. If a single row takes up more than 1/2 of the free space in the page (> 4030 of the 8060 bytes), you will have a lot of unused space within pages and fragmentation would become very high, as every row requires it's own page.

    The following excerpts are not wrong, but don't give the full picture either.

    From Wikipedia: "Since the physical records are in this sort order on disk, the next row item in the sequence is immediately before or after the last one, and so fewer data block reads are required. The primary feature of a clustered index is therefore the ordering of the physical data rows in accordance with the index blocks that point to them."


    MSDN: "A clustered index determines the physical order of data in a table."
