• sqlusers (10/5/2010)

    Why not a WHERE clause? Sounds like you're getting the records one at a time?

    Exactly i want to get all the data's. That'y i use loop through.

    Here in table my StartDate can be From and To date is one and the same. For ex, if i run the script today, My From and To Date

    can be today. If i run my Script tomorrow my From and To Date

    can be tomorrow.

    Exactly my script is like this.


    @StartDate = '2010-10-02'

    @LEndDate = '2010-10-05'

    WHILE @StartDate <= @LEndDate


    SET @StartDate = @StartDate

    SET @EndDate = @StartDate

    <Insert Statement>

    <SELECT Statement WHERE FromDate = @StartDate AND ToDate = @EndDate>

    <Calculation Part>

    SET @StartDate = @StartDate + 1



    Why not this

    select statement

    where FromDate >= '2010-10-02' and ToDate <= '2010-10-05'


    If you haven't even tried to resolve your issue, please don't expect the hard-working volunteers here to waste their time providing links to answers which you could easily have found yourself.