• In fact, what I wanted to show is how to cache most-frequent and static (considerably) data. If data is modified often (like invoice table), this is not a solution. It is crystal clear. But every database has some data that is considerably static. Then definitely this scenario can be applied. Remember there are two options: application and session. If data differs from user to user, session type must be used. Otherwise application type can be used. And do not forget, all data saves in server not in client side.


    I do not think that it is advisable to make tables auditable by adding columns like timestamp. But there is a workaround. Let’s say you have application variable that stores employee data. So, all users will receive data from cache. If data entry part of employee is handled through one of the web pages in same application, you can update your employee application variable after data is inserted, modified, and deleted. Then there won’t be conflict. If this method is not preferred, you can use a dependency file as fhanlon stated.


    I have applied this scenario in my most application and I can say that there was an improvement of performance. So, do it and see.