• USKiwi (9/27/2010)

    The job “View History” reports that these jobs are running successfully each night. The database properties for each database report only the initial backup date for these databases, not the most recent reported in the history log. Running the job manually reports success, the history log is updated to report this, but no change is made in the database properties, nor does it appear that any backup is made (no backup file is created in the sub-directory). Manually backing up the system database will update the properties as well as creating a backup file.

    Just because a job says it completed normally, doesn't mean it did.

    I just found that a vendor's maintenance plan they set up for backups was actually failing.

    The job was set to "QUIT THE JOB REPORTING SUCCESS" when it failed .... :w00t:

    So there were no backups !

    So take a closer look at everything. Screen by screen, tab by tab.