• thisisfutile (9/22/2010)

    @trubolotta Not trying to start an argument here, but hindsight is 20/20 for everyone. Sometimes we find ourselves in a situation like the OP is describing (or something similar) and we need a solution....This appears to be one of those articles that creates a problem based on poor design and purports to correct it using some bloated functionality of SQL Server. If the table were properly designed with uniqueness constraints, the problem would not exist. Allowing duplicate data into the table in the first place is the problem, not fixing it after the fact. The more likely scenario and the one I have seen most often comes from importing data from poorly designed databases or poorly trained users.

    I agree that such problems are usually caused by poor design.

    But poor design *is* prevalent in the real world.

    So, would you agree that if you encounter *exactly* such instances (and you seem to indicate that you do), that unless you have a time machine to travel back and pre-correct the poor design, your choices are:

    1. Surrender, stating that the database was poorly designed.

    2. Try to correct the mistake.

    If you choose 2., what is wrong with using the technique in this article? I do not recall the author suggesting that you should first design poorly and then use his technique to correct it.