• Jack

    For going out to the OS, you generally can use EXTERNAL_ACCESS. In this instance, you actually do need UNSAFE - because of the permissions that are required to use DriveInfo under CAS. I usually check these things before I open my big mouth! 🙂

    But I still wouldn't use a static field even so, seeing as the static field's life time will extend beyond the execution of the function (for example, if you use a singleton under UNSAFE, you can observe that it's lifetime is longer than that of the call into the CLR - subsequent calls to the same function would use the same instance).

    Anyway, the code I would use would look like this:

    sealed class _driveInfo


    public readonly string DriveName;

    public readonly long TotalSizeMB;

    public readonly long UsedSizeMB;

    public readonly long FreeSizeMB;

    public readonly long PercentUsed;

    public _driveInfo(string driveName, long totalSizeMB, long usedSizeMB, long freeSizeMB, long percentUsed)


    DriveName = driveName;

    TotalSizeMB = totalSizeMB;

    UsedSizeMB = usedSizeMB;

    FreeSizeMB = freeSizeMB;

    PercentUsed = percentUsed;





    FillRowMethodName = "_f_fill",

    TableDefinition = "Drive nvarchar(3), SizeMb bigint, UsedMb bigint, AvailableMb bigint, UsePct bigint"



    public static IEnumerable fn_fixeddrives()


    foreach (DriveInfo d in DriveInfo.GetDrives())


    if (d.DriveType == DriveType.Fixed && d.IsReady)


    yield return new _driveInfo(d.Name,

    (d.TotalSize) / 1048576,

    (d.TotalSize - d.TotalFreeSpace) / 1048576,

    (d.TotalFreeSpace) / 1048576,

    (d.TotalFreeSpace * 100) / d.TotalSize);




    private static void _f_fill(Object o, out string drvName, out long totalsizeMb, out long usedsizeMb, out long freesizeMb, out long pctused)


    _driveInfo dI = (_driveInfo)o;

    drvName = dI.DriveName;

    totalsizeMb = dI.TotalSizeMB;

    usedsizeMb = dI.UsedSizeMB;

    freesizeMb = dI.FreeSizeMB;

    pctused = dI.PercentUsed;


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