• The easiest way to do that is by using the user-defined table type feature in SQL. Parameters now may be of type 'Table'. This makes it easier for a developer to use it either in SQL or in Visual Studio.

    Say you create the following SQL user-defined table type:

    CREATE TYPE dbo.typTableType AS TABLE


    [Id] INT NOT NULL,

    [Description] VARCHAR(50) NOT NULL


    If you use it in stored procedure, you have the following code:

    CREATE PROCEDURE dbo.usp_Insert

    @ParTable as typTableType READONLY



    -- Inside the procedure you use that parameter as a regular table with a cursor

    -- or any SELECT, or in an UPDATE statement in the FROM clause, etc.

    -- SQL code...


    The following is a Visual Basic example that uses the benefit of the table type:

    Let's assume you have defined somewhere in the code a datatable named datMyTable

    DIM conMyConnection as new SqlClient.SqlConnection("... connection string ...")

    DIM comMyCommand as new SQLClient.SqlCommand("dbo.usp_Insert", conMyConnection)

    DIM parMyTable as new SqlParameter("@ParTable", SqlDbType.Structured)

    parMyTable.TypeName = "dbo.typTableType"

    parMyTable.Value = datMyTable

    With comMyCommand


    .CommandType = CommandType.StoredProcedure




    End With

    ' rest of the code...

    Table type parameters must be declared as READONLY in the stored procedure's definition.

    I think this is an easier way to work with multiple records passed to SQL.