• Try this instead

    =IIF(Fields!Records_Included.Value = 0, "", IIF(Fields!Interview_Completed.Value/Fields!Records_Included.Value = 0, "", Fields!Interview_Completed.Value/Fields!Records_Included.Value))

    Or if you use this kind of calculation a lot, many of us do you could go to Report>>Report Properties and choose the Code tab and put something like this function in there:

    Public Function DivideBy(ByVal Exp1, ByVal Exp2)

    If Exp2 = 0 Then

    DivideBy = ""

    Else: DivideBy = Exp1/Exp2

    End If

    End Function

    Then in your SSRS expression you would put

    =code.DivideBy(Fields!Interview_Completed.Value, Fields!Records_Included.Value)

    and it would all work out just fine.

    PS. I found this function code either on this site or elsewhere on the internet. I found it extremely useful and it is now part of my report template.