• The process that used the table would drop the constraint, then add the records needed, then add the constraint back. Following is the code to add the constraint and to drop it.

    Drop Constraint -

    ALTER TABLE [dbo].[BranchFundType] WITH NOCHECK ADD CONSTRAINT [chk_read_only] CHECK (((1)=(0)))

    ALTER TABLE [dbo].[BranchFundType] CHECK CONSTRAINT [chk_read_only]Show Bart Talley (dev1) added a comment - 11/Aug/10 11:22 AM Constraint has been removed see code below. --remove

    IF EXISTS (SELECT * FROM sys.check_constraints WHERE object_id = OBJECT_ID(N'[dbo].[chk_read_only]') AND parent_object_id = OBJECT_ID(N'[dbo].[BranchFundType]'))

    ALTER TABLE [dbo].[BranchFundType] DROP CONSTRAINT [chk_read_only]

    -- add constraint

    ALTER TABLE [dbo].[BranchFundType] WITH NOCHECK ADD CONSTRAINT [chk_read_only] CHECK (((1)=(0)))

    ALTER TABLE [dbo].[BranchFundType] CHECK CONSTRAINT [chk_read_only]