• mfayard (9/13/2010)

    I am trying to update records in a table that had a check constraint to set the table to read only. That constraint was removed (dropped) and it seems that now I can't update any record that was put in while the constraint was on the table. I can modify any record that is written to the table after the constraint was removed. Let me further clarify this. I can go into Mgmt studio and update any record in this table, but using a program, written in Delphi, using dataset components....it won't work on any record that existed prior to the constraint being removed. I am wondering if there is anything that is lingering on the pre-removal records?

    Hi you say the table was read only, but then you you say you cant update any records that were added while the table was read only (how did you rows get there?). How was your check constraint written?

    MCITP SQL Server 2005/2008 DBA/DBD