• Alvin Ramard (9/13/2010)

    amenjonathan (9/13/2010)

    I am thoroughly shocked someone would even think about plagerising at that level. It's almost comical. I've never seen such blatant plagerism, and in a submission to a professional publication at that! (or however SQLServerCentral.com is classified)

    Just wow!

    Only thing I can say is thanks for bringing this article to light. First time I've read it. Great job to the actual authors!

    It's surprising how much plagiarism actually takes place. A discussion here on SSC a while back that started with something along the line of "this person just plagiarised one of my blog postings." ended up with the discovery that many, if not all, of this MS MVP's blog postings were word for word copies of somebody else's blogs.

    I wonder if his MVP status has been revoke yet.

    That is just one example of many discussions we have had on the topic.

    Jason...AKA CirqueDeSQLeil
    I have given a name to my pain...MCM SQL Server, MVP
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