• I have worked for someone like that a couple times.

    It is not uncommon for managers to not understand and often not appreciate the technical aspects of what you may do. I am thankful to say that this day in age this is becoming more the exception than the rule but this was at one time almost a every job occurance. managers did not understnad the technolody and they simply did not care how you acheived something as long as they could use it. change your focus of you conversations with him to how your work will benefit a project or a bottom line. He may not understand how you did it and he likely will continue to not care but he will understand how you have contributed to a project or bottom line. Even then he may be a manger that simply has a hard time expressing any type of gratitude for your hard work.


    If only I could snap my figures and have all the correct indexes apear and the buffer clean and.... Start day dream here.