• See if the following does the trick. I have used TABLE variables instead of actual tables just for the POC.


    Major Assumption Here:

    The "SatDayDelivery" BIT should be in the Pickup table and not in the Routes table.

    The way I read it, the Routes table associates a staff member with a particular route.

    It is the Pickup table that has the pickup related information, and therefore the "SatDayDelivery" should be in Pickup, not in Routes.


    -- Simulate the tables

    DECLARE @Holiday TABLE (HolidayDate DATE)

    DECLARE @Routes TABLE (RouteID INT,

    StaffID INT)


    RouteID INT,

    StaffID INT,

    PickupDate DATE,

    SatDayDelivery BIT)

    -- Holds Today's date

    DECLARE @TodaysDate DATE

    --Generate Test data

    INSERT INTO @Holiday VALUES ('08/21/2010'), ('08/22/2010'), ('08/24/2010')

    INSERT INTO @Routes VALUES (1, 1), (1, 2), (1, 3), (2, 4), (2, 5)

    ----Test Point# 1

    --SELECT * FROM @Holiday

    --SELECT * FROM @Routes

    SET @TodaysDate = CONVERT(DATE, GETDATE(), 101)

    --Test Point# 2 (Comment the line above and uncomment the one below to test)

    --SET @TodaysDate = '08/23/2010'

    INSERT INTO @Pickup (RouteID, StaffID, PickupDate, SatDayDelivery)

    SELECT r.RouteID, r.StaffID, @TodaysDate AS PickupDate, CASE WHEN EXISTS (SELECT * FROM @Holiday WHERE HolidayDate = @TodaysDate) THEN 1

    ELSE 0 END AS SatDayDelivery

    FROM @Routes r

    --Test Point# 3

    SELECT * FROM @Pickup

    Thanks & Regards,
    Nakul Vachhrajani.

    Follow me on
    Twitter: @sqltwins