• Lowell (8/20/2010)

    VNC/Remote Desktop/ TeamViewer / PCAnywhere / GoToMyPC are desktop viewers,

    you don't need that.

    SQL Server Management Studio is the interface of choice and is backwards compatibile, and can connect to any version of SQL Server...so if you have the client tools on your machine, just put in the servername and connection info and you should be good to go.

    now if you don't have a username/password for that old SQL 7 instance...that's another story.


    Actually Management Studio from SQL Server 2008 is not compatible to 7, it tells you that the instance you are trying to connect to is too old. I use VNC to remote into the old server that doesn't support remote desktop to run Enterprise Manager/ Query Analyzer on these old machines.

    We are about to upgrade, and i need to get to the server to analyze/map the data entities.

    The senior DBA is on another project deploying this weekend, so I was looking for an alternate connection strategy.