Home Forums SQL Server 2008 SQL Server 2008 - General Hi, I have migrated a database from sql server 2000 instance to another sql server 2000 instance.So i have taken the backup of the Tenu001 database and i have restored it onto the target instance.Then later on i tried to transfer the logins and passwords from the source instance to the target insta RE: Hi, I have migrated a database from sql server 2000 instance to another sql server 2000 instance.So i have taken the backup of the Tenu001 database and i have restored it onto the target instance.Then later on i tried to transfer the logins and passwords from the source instance to the target i

  • Firstly, it would help if you post in the correct forum location for help with your issue, that aside the link at


    does not apply to your scenario in any way and could cause confusion.

    You need to follow this link


    and use method 1 to transfer the logins


    "Ya can't make an omelette without breaking just a few eggs" 😉