• If you want to improve your chances of getting help, you really should post the DDL statements to create your tables and the DML statements to insert sample data into your tables. It's usually a good idea to use table variables for doing this so that people don't have to drop the tables afterward.

    DECLARE @Currencies TABLE (

    CurrencyID int

    , CurrencyCode char(3)

    , CurrencyDesc varchar(50)


    INSERT @Currencies

    SELECT 1,'USD','USA Dollar'


    SELECT 2,'EUR','European Euro'


    SELECT 3,'Yen','Japan Yen'

    DECLARE @ExchangeRate TABLE (

    CurrencyID int

    , Equivalent float

    , ExchangeRateDate datetime


    You also might want to avoid using keywords (like KEY or DATETIME) as column or table names. If you forgot to correctly delimit them, you could get SQL errors.

    I would use a CTE and the Row_Number() function to solve your problem. Since you want the most recent for each currency, you need to use the PARTITION BY clause, and since you want the most recent, you need to sort your ORDER BY clause in DESC order. The WHERE clause in the final select gives you the most recent exchange rate.

    WITH OrderedExchangeRates AS (

    SELECT CurrencyID, Equivalent, ExchangeRateDate

    -- The following is the key to getting the latest rate.

    , ROW_NUMBER() OVER( PARTITION BY CurrencyID ORDER BY ExchangeRateDate DESC ) AS RowNum

    FROM @ExchangeRate


    SELECT c.CurrencyID, c.CurrencyCode, c.CurrencyDesc, er.Equivalent, er.ExchangeRateDate

    FROM @Currencies AS c

    INNER JOIN OrderedExchangeRates AS er

    ON c.CurrencyID = er.CurrencyID

    WHERE er.RowNum = 1


    J. Drew Allen
    Business Intelligence Analyst
    Philadelphia, PA