• Providing value to your company is paramount. If you work for a company that supresses creativity and initiative, get out. It is time that skilled, capable workers, like so many of those I have seen in IT, quit working for companies that diminish their value and inhibit their contribution potential. Find a company where you are valued and appreciated, and you make a real contribution. Let the other companies languish in the world of poorly managed outsourcing.

    I have nothing against outsourcing, there are many valid reasons to outsource. As a manager in the past I have chosen to outsource to supplement staff and get skill sets I could not get internally. But outsourcing to replace staff is a generally bad idea with a very poor return.

    Don't diminish yourself by working for a bad company. Get out, at almost any cost, and find a good company that values your contribution. Eventually the bad companies will perish or change, and we will all be better off.