• Thanks for that. An interesting read, and I like seeing performance figures.

    In the non-XML solution you recommend, how does one get the bulk updates from the client application to the server, and into the input table in one database call? In your scenario you are 'updating multiple order detail rows in a data grid at once. The user needs to update the price and quantity for 250 order line items.' I can see how to create the XML to do the update and call the stored procedure in the first two examples, but I don't understand how to stock the user defined table type with the data so easily. Would this be an ASP.NET bulk insert or a multiple-value insert? (INSERT INTO tempTable (FirstCol, SecondCol) VALUES (1,'First'), (2,'Second'), (3,'Third'), (4,'Fourth'), (5,'Fifth') ....) If this is the case, wouldn't the 'traditional' approach of using a temporary table be just as fast? Apologies in advance if I've missed something.

    Best wishes,
    Phil Factor