• steve your example would just return the results from the cmd prompt; I think the original poster wanted to capture the results of his dbcc command in both a table and in the output file.

    what's wierd for me is this command:

    dbcc checkdb (SandBox) with no_infomsgs does not return any results....so why bother capturing the results in a text file in the first place? maybe it only returns results if there was a problem/failure? {edit} dbcc only returns messages, so no_infomsgs will never return results at all...so there's no need to capture it in both a table and a file...it would be better to not include that i think.{/edit}


    this complete command returns this for results:



    the code:


    @cmd varchar(1000),

    @FileNameOut varchar(200),

    @user varchar(30),

    @pass varchar(30) ,

    @db varchar(30)

    SET @user='sa'

    SET @pass='NotARealPassword'

    SET @db ='SandBox'

    set @FileNameOut ='OutputConsistencia_'+ @db

    select @cmd = 'osql -U' + @user + ' -P' + @pass + ' -S -Q"dbcc checkdb (''' + @db + ''') with no_infomsgs" -o"c:\' + @FileNameOut + '.txt" -w500'

    create table #t (cmdout nvarchar(255), id int identity)

    Insert #t Exec master..xp_cmdshell @cmd

    Select * from #t


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