• Hi Openminded,

    I am not sure what your question is. But here is a transformation of the selects you gave which might be helpful to you.

    Just remember that the unary plus (+) or minus (-) have a higher precedence than multiplication or division, which in turn also have a higher precedence than addition or substration.

    Finally the calculation is executed from left to right (if not overridden by the precedence of operators or parentheses):

    select 1 - 2

    This is a simple substraction

    select 1 + 1 * 2

    This translates to 1 + (1 * 2)

    select 1 +-+ 1 * 2

    This translates to (1 + ((-(+1)) * 2))

    select 1 +0+ 1 * 2

    This translates to ((1 + 0) + (1 * 2))

    select 1 ++ 1 * 2

    This translates to (1 + ((+1) * 2))

    Best Regards,

    Chris Büttner