• Using a common table expression you can also do neat tricks. I've interpreted your task as "return the next-to-last word from each of the /-separated list of words". In these string manipulations you have to be very careful with the substring() function: passing it a negative value for the index will result in very-hard-to-debug runtime errors. I think this should deal correctly with all sorts of input:

    declare @tbl table (

    data nvarchar(max) null


    insert @tbl(data)

    SELECT 'dat1/dat2/dat3/dat4/1/2009' AS data UNION ALL

    SELECT 'dat1/dat2/dat34/dat4/2/2009' UNION ALL

    SELECT 'dat1/dat2/dat/sd34/dat4/3/2009' UNION ALL

    SELECT 'ssf/sdf/sdf/sf/sf/sf/4/2009' UNION ALL

    SELECT 'ssf/sdf/sdf/sf/sf/sf/10/2009' UNION ALL

    SELECT 'ssf/sdf/sdf/sf/sdf/sf/sf/44444444/2009' UNION ALL

    SELECT 'ssf/sdf/sdf/sf//sdf sdf sf/sf/111/2009' UNION ALL

    SELECT 'ssf/sdf/sdf/sf/sf/sd sf sdf /1798/2009' UNION ALL

    SELECT '2009' union all

    select null;

    with cteWords as (


    1 as nr,

    reverse(case when charindex('/', t.data) > 0

    then left(t.data, charindex('/', t.data) - 1)

    else t.data

    end) as word,

    case when charindex('/', t.data) > 0

    then RIGHT(t.data, len(t.data) - charindex('/', t.data))

    else CONVERT(nvarchar(max),null)

    end as remainder

    from @tbl tbl

    cross apply (

    select REVERSE(tbl.data) as data

    ) t

    union all


    c.nr + 1 as nr,

    reverse(case when charindex('/', c.remainder) > 0

    then left(c.remainder, charindex('/', c.remainder) - 1)

    else c.remainder

    end) as word,

    case when charindex('/', c.remainder) > 0

    then right(c.remainder, len(c.remainder) - charindex('/', c.remainder))

    else null

    end as remainder

    from cteWords c

    where not c.remainder is null


    select word

    from cteWords

    where nr = 2;

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    If you don't have time to do it right, when will you have time to do it over?