• The foul language generator is definitely the most humorous. The best bad design I've ever seen was designed by a sales manager and had rows for dollar sales by sales office (about 20) with columns for quarterly per product sales (~30 products). Every quarter, a new set of columns was made:

    Office Q1_Prd1 Q1_Prd2 Q2_Prd1 Q2_Prd2

    NWest $xxx.xxx $xxx.xxx null____ null____

    SEast $xxx.xxx $xxx.xxx null____ null____

    NWest null____ null____ $xxx.xxx $xxx.xxx

    SEast null____ null____ $xxx.xxx $xxx.xxx

    Visually, it made a giant matrix of nulls with a strip of data diagnonally from top left. Query times were slow to say the least. It was nearing the 1024 column limit when I found a new job.