• Take it all for granted? Consider...

    We have been fighting in Iraq for 8 years, with 6,000 Americans now dead.

    In ONE year, 6,000 Americans died on our roadways directly attributable to people texting AND talking on Cell phones while driving. The source for that - the NTSB, look it up if you don't believe it.

    We have invented technology that gets used for useless purposes and it kills more Americans than die in a war. And what do we do about it? Squat...

    We have technological wonders like Television that could educate our populous - what do we do with it? American Idol, Lost, reality shows - we dumb down our populous and continue to raise generations or witless couch potatoes.

    Take technology for granted? No - we are doing much worse than just that... We are building the perfect Idiocracy.

    There's no such thing as dumb questions, only poorly thought-out answers...