• Hi there, here is a piece of code that wll do what you wanted:

    As you are first time poster, i took the onus on my side to create DDLs for your request; going further, please provide full ready-to-use DDLs so that many volunteers here will give you tested code back 🙂

    Now , sample data and table :

    DECLARE @table TABLE


    [Name] varchar(15),

    [Order] varchar(15),

    [Month] varchar(15),

    [Detail] varchar(15),

    [Value] numeric(10,2),

    [Margin] numeric(10,2)


    insert into @table([Name], [Order] ,[Month] ,[Detail] ,[Value] ,[Margin])

    select 'Fred' ,'Ord1', 'Month2', 'Ace', 1300, 400

    union all select 'Fred' ,'Ord2', 'Month2' ,'Long', 0 ,-15010

    union all select 'Fred' ,'Ord3', 'Month2' ,'Bing', 2270 ,309.09

    union all select 'Fred' ,'Ord4', 'Month1' ,'Stuff', 6471.6, 5383.81

    union all select 'Fred' ,'Ord4', 'Month2' ,'Stuff', 3275, -462.79

    union all select 'Fred' ,'Ord5', 'Month2' ,'Roof' ,4940 ,1140.72

    union all select 'Fred' ,'Ord6', 'Month2' ,'Wall' ,12545, 2110.37

    Now the code that will provide you the output:

    ;with cte as


    select [Name], [Order] ,[Month] ,[Detail] ,[Value] ,[Margin] ,

    row_number() over(partition by [Order] order by [Order]) rn from @table


    only_one as


    select [order] from cte group by [order] having count(*) = 1


    multiple as


    select * from cte where [order] in (select distinct [Order] from cte where rn > 1)


    select [Name], [Order] ,[Month] ,[Detail] ,[Value] ,[Margin] from cte

    where [order] in (select [order] from only_one)

    union all

    select t1.[Name], t1.[Order] ,t1.[Month] ,t1.[Detail] ,t1.[Value]-t2.[Value] [Value]

    , t1.[Margin] -t2.[Margin] [Margin]

    from multiple t1

    cross join

    multiple t2

    where t1.rn = 2 and t2.rn = 1