• Hugo Kornelis (5/25/2010)

    malleswarareddy_m (5/24/2010)

    hi ,

    like operator will search for _ only.and return any characters. then it does not return any rows.because i worked many times using like operator.but if we use '%_%' or '%_' or '_%'. then i think it will display the number of characters.but directly with like '_' it will not return the rows.and also i extecuted the above query but it will not return any rows.

    Did you try setting the collation to CZECH_CI_AS, as Honza indicated in the explanation?

    Certain Nordic collations will also consider some two-character combinations as a single character, and I expect German collations to do that as well (e.g. ss = ß, ue = ü, etc)

    If you like to set a collation for this script, you can use create table #t (string varchar (2) COLLATE XYZ) (XYZ can be Czech_CI_AS or some other) in the first line and change the insert statement to insert into #t select (@a1 + @a2) COLLATE XYZ to avoid collation confilct.

    It is possible to surround full script by cursor that will enumerate all collations available, but I must say I was to lazy to write it.

    I had an idea of German collations to work similar way, but not. Those, I have tried, returned no rows.

    If someone discover another collation in another language with similar behaviour, I will be very glad to have such information.

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