• This one (without use of cursor or loops opr UDF) will perform and scale much better...

    declare @pInput varchar(max)

    declare @n int

    set @pInput = '1:1,3,5,7,4:56,43,58,5:34,67r,234'

    set @pInput = ',' + @pInput + ','

    select @n =LEN(@pInput)

    set rowcount @n

    select IDENTITY( int,1,1) as id into #tally

    from sys.columns

    set rowcount 0

    declare @val1 varchar(500)

    declare @res table (id int, vals varchar(1000), val1 varchar(500), val2 varchar(500))

    insert into @res (id, vals)

    select id

    ,SUBSTRING(@pInput,id+1,CHARINDEX(',',@pInput,id+1)-id-1) vals

    from #tally

    where SUBSTRING(@pInput,id,1) = ',' and id < LEN(@pInput)

    update @res

    set val1 = case when CHARINDEX(':', vals) > 0 then SUBSTRING(vals,0,CHARINDEX(':', vals)) else @val1 end

    ,val2 = case when CHARINDEX(':', vals) > 0 then SUBSTRING(vals,CHARINDEX(':', vals)+1,1000) else vals end

    ,@val1 = case when CHARINDEX(':', vals) > 0 then SUBSTRING(vals,0,CHARINDEX(':', vals)) else @val1 end

    select val1, val2 from @res

    drop table #tally

    If your string to split expected to be very large, you can add clustered unique index on id column of #tally table and use # table instead of table variable for the result table. Otherwise, I think this code is fine as it is...

    "The only true wisdom is in knowing you know nothing"
    "O skol'ko nam otkrytiy chudnyh prevnosit microsofta duh!":-D
    (So many miracle inventions provided by MS to us...)

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