• Lynn Pettis (5/10/2010)

    I actually think it comes down to marketing. Perhaps, as DBA's, we need to start talking about the Exceptional DBA of the Year award to everyone and anyone that is willing to listen. But also, perhaps Redgate, as a sponsor, should publisize the competition in some of the more popular IT publications, both print and electronic, so that others outside of our small sphere of influence become aware of the award.

    Also, by becoming active in the SQL Server community; participating in forums like SSC; writing articles for SSC or SSWUG, or SQL Server Standard, or SQL Server magazine, or any other technical magazines; becoming involved in the users groups (if possible, timing of meetings can cause issues; yes, Colorado Sprins SQL Server Users Group, I'm talking about you and Wednesday meetings), can make us more visible to our peers and what we are doing and capable of achieving. Who else is going to listen to the problems we have encountered and how we solved them, or what accomplishments we may have achieved at work? My wife? Heck, I start talking about work and her eyes glaze over and she simply nods in agreement.

    I will make sure to mention it in our UG. I think that is how it is going to have to start.

    Jason...AKA CirqueDeSQLeil
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