• Hi Vincent,

    Your article is great for me, it’s the first time I’m working with data marts. I just created my first environment (still in the development/test mode). I read your book as well. I will work on SSIS, for now I’m creating my processes on SQL to understand the behavior of the records.

    My Fact table has some aggregation columns (more than Key columns). This fact table will be used for reporting. All the reports will use the information from this Fact Table and they will be run with a parameter of date range and client id. (date_Key and Client_Key)

    How exactly I will call my report and my aggregates. I mean, this is a Data Mart “natural” behavior? Some aggregate columns are percentages or probability calculations. I assume I will aggregate the aggregates in order to have a report for one month.

    Do you have an example of how to get the information (Report) from the fact table with SQL?

    Thank you