• We have a debate about partitioned tables vs the old partitioned view in SQL2008. I have a troublesome table with over 30M rows. I thought that horizontal partitioning with aligned indexes and aligned cubes partitions would significantly increase performance since most queries touch 1 partition and SQL2008 allocate many threads to these queries as opposed to SQL2005 which allocate only one thread. A Colleague of mine bought the SQL Server 2008 Bible and there is a call-out that says that table partitioning will HURT performance unless your table is a real monster table with billions of rows. As a consequence this colleague advise against table partitioning and instead advise to use the old technique of breaking down the table in multiple individual tables, then create a partitioned view on the top of this. I am a little confused since I cannot find any other advise against table partitioning in SQL2008. What is your take? Thanks.

    BI Guy